V-PRO has had 1 mission from the start of the company: zero paper waste. V-PRO wants to reduce paper waste not only through the production of floor protection, but also by profiling itself in this way and giving a message to the people.
Paper accounts for 26% of waste in landfills. Paper production causes deforestation, consumes huge energy and water, and contributes to air pollution and waste problems.

Paper production and waste double
Paper production, and with it paper waste, is set to double in the coming years. This will put more and more pressure on forests. Since 2000, 10% of the world's forests have been lost.
Deforestation is one of the most important environmental problems we are facing today. Almost half of the trees that are cut down are transformed into paper.
- 324 liters of water are used to make 1 kilogram of paper. 10 liters per a4 sheet.
- The Sunday edition of the New York Times needs 75,000 trees to publish it.
- Each tree produces enough acid dust for 3 people.
- Global consumption of toilet paper is about 22 billion kilometers, this equals 50,000 times the earth.
Paper production is bad and we know it. That is why V-PRO uses waste paper. By doing so, V-PRO ensures that paper gets an extra life, but also that no extra pressure is put on deforestation. The more companies start recycling, the less paper needs to be produced.
10 ways to reduce paper waste and pollution.
1. Recycle all your paper waste.
2. Be a conscious consumer and buy "100% post-consumer recycled waste". Buy materials made from recycled paper or materials that come from sustainably managed forests.
3. Reuse paper in the office. For example, if you have only used one side, collect them instead of throwing them away. You can bind these sheets and turn the other side into a notebook. This small effort reduces paper waste by 50%
4. If you already have a scanned copy of a file, don't print it again unless you really need to.
5. Use email instead of paper when communicating with clients and customers.
6. Reduce the use of paper cups and disposable paper plates by keeping reusable items in the office pantry.
7. Encourage your office mates and friends to recycle their paper by depositing it in the recycling bins.
8. Insist on "Process Chlorine Free" paper materials.
9. Buy products with the least amount of paper packaging. Encourage businesses that follow environmentally friendly practices.
10. Take advantage of the latest technologies such as tablets, computers and smartphones to keep your files and notes.